Your washing machine might look clean from the outside, but the inside could be festering with germs and bacteria that are dangerous to the health of you and your loved ones.
Your Washing Machine Needs Thorough Cleaning
A thorough cleaning of your washing machine keeps your family healthy at all times. You should consider a cleaning service for your washing machine:
if it has been in use for more than 12 months
if it is often left closed and wet
if the drum has noticeable stains
if there is a peculiar or musty odour
if your laundry is unclean with dirty patches
if residue is present at the base
The Formation of Stains
in Washing Machines
It takes time to form stains in your washing machine, but where do these stains come from, and what are they specifically?
Without Regular and
Thorough Cleaning,
Your Washing Machine
Turns into a Microbial Den
Dirty residue accumulates in your washing machine after multiple uses without thorough cleaning.
Once stubborn stains are formed, secondary pollution occurs as pollutants persist within the wash cycles, which promotes microbial growth.
Seeing Is Believing,
The Terrifying Truth:
Bacteria, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans are among the health-threatening bacteria that cause respiratory infections, skin diseases, and even gynaecological diseases.