We understand the pain of having to deal with stains! Accidents are bound to happen. Though we can’t completely prevent it, we can take care of the stains afterward by removing them.
Whether it’s to remove bed stains left by your child, just follow these tips to get rid of any pesky stains.
Stain Removal Tips
Thankfully, it’s not that complicated to remove stains. Below is a basic guide on how to get rid of stains on your own effectively:
1. Think and act fast. The longer you leave the stain, the more difficult it becomes to remove. If the stain is fresh, you should try removing it as soon as possible.
2. Don’t rub the stain. You should always blot or dab the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel instead of rubbing it. For instance, on certain fabrics, when you rub them, the fibres of the material will spread around the stained area and penetrate even further into the fabric.
3. Don’t dry the stain. Try to avoid getting heat on the stain as it will set the stain, making it much more difficult to remove.
4. Take note of the type of material/fabric. Not all cleaning methods work well for all materials or fabrics. Let’s compare removing mattress stains with removing stains from leather shoes, for example. The linen materials in mattresses absorb liquids a lot easier than leather. Therefore, it requires different methods of cleaning.
Basic Stain Removal Solutions
There are a number of stain removal solutions that work really well.
The best part is that most of these solutions can be done at home with common products sitting around the household. Below are some of the best stain removal solutions you may consider using:
Lemon juice
Lemon juice is an effective stain remover and works well for most materials or fabrics. Let’s use beds for an example. To remove stains from your mattress, first mix salt and lemon juice to make a paste. Then apply it on the stained area on the mattress and let it rest for about one hour. Finish by wiping the paste off with a clean towel.
Dish soap
Another popular stain removal solution would be dish soap. For example, with carpet surfaces, in a spray bottle, mix dish soap with hydrogen peroxide and shake it well. Then, spray the solution before blotting it with a dry, clean towel.
White vinegar
White vinegar is one of the most effective ingredients for stain removal. For example, with wood surfaces, you can start by mixing the distilled white vinegar and olive oil in a bowl. Then, use a clean cloth to apply the mixture to the stain. Once that’s done, use a clean cloth to wipe it off.
Baking Soda
Most people would know how effective baking soda solutions are when it comes to stain removal. In fact, baking soda can remove common stains such as sauces or scratches. For example, with kitchen sink surfaces, you can create a solution by mixing Castile soap, baking soda, and water to form a paste. Then, place the mixture on a sponge and apply it to the stain. Once it’s completely removed, rinse the stain with water.
Stain Removal Checklist For Different Types Of Stains
One thing’s for sure, there are certain stains that form more often than others.
Thankfully, it’s not hard to remove them! Here’s a brief stain removal checklist for some of the more common stains:
1. Coffee or tea stains
With coffee or tea stains, you can use baking soda and water to form a paste before dabbing it onto the stain until it’s completely removed. Then, rinse the stain with cold water.
Other than that, you can also use white vinegar mixed with water. However, it may leave a lingering smell after.
2. Oil or grease stains
You may use liquid dish soap and mix it with water using a toothbrush. Apply the mixture to the stain and scrub gently, followed by rinsing the stain with white vinegar.3. Wine stains
For wine stains, mix dish soap and hydrogen peroxide into a solution. Use a cloth to dab the stain with the solution until completely removed.
Alternatively, you can also consider using salt to remove the stain. Sprinkle some salt on the stain, followed by a little club soda. Allow it to sit for an hour before removing the salt and blot the stain off with a clean towel.
4. Blood stains
As for dry blood stains, apply salt water and let it sit for several hours. Then, rinse with water before dabbing the stain with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia solution. Wet blood stains only require you to soak the area with regular water before using a cotton swab to apply ammonia.5. Ink stains
You can use petroleum jelly to prevent ballpoint ink stains from spreading. Follow up with alcohol applied on a toothbrush to gently scrub the stain. You can use lemon juice if there are any stains left behind. Cover the stain with salt and let it rest for about an hour before rinsing with water.6. Vomit stains
Vomit stains are one of the worst stains to remove but not the hardest! Mix laundry detergent with white vinegar and apply it to the vomit stain. Alternatively, you can also just pour cold water on the vomit stain for a quick solution.7. Makeup stains
You can rub alcohol on the stain using a cotton swab. For lipstick stains, you may spritz some hair spray on the area and wipe it with a damp cloth afterward. For nail polish, apply nail polish remover on the stain and rinse with cold water after.1. Coffee or tea stains
With coffee or tea stains, you can use baking soda and water to form a paste before dabbing it onto the stain until it’s completely removed. Then, rinse the stain with cold water.
Other than that, you can also use white vinegar mixed with water. However, it may leave a lingering smell after.
2. Oil or grease stains
You may use liquid dish soap and mix it with water using a toothbrush. Apply the mixture to the stain and scrub gently, followed by rinsing the stain with white vinegar.3. Wine stains
For wine stains, mix dish soap and hydrogen peroxide into a solution. Use a cloth to dab the stain with the solution until completely removed.
Alternatively, you can also consider using salt to remove the stain. Sprinkle some salt on the stain, followed by a little club soda. Allow it to sit for an hour before removing the salt and blot the stain off with a clean towel.
4. Blood stains
As for dry blood stains, apply salt water and let it sit for several hours. Then, rinse with water before dabbing the stain with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia solution. Wet blood stains only require you to soak the area with regular water before using a cotton swab to apply ammonia.5. Ink stains
You can use petroleum jelly to prevent ballpoint ink stains from spreading. Follow up with alcohol applied on a toothbrush to gently scrub the stain. You can use lemon juice if there are any stains left behind. Cover the stain with salt and let it rest for about an hour before rinsing with water.6. Vomit stains
Vomit stains are one of the worst stains to remove but not the hardest! Mix laundry detergent with white vinegar and apply it to the vomit stain. Alternatively, you can also just pour cold water on the vomit stain for a quick solution.7. Makeup stains
You can rub alcohol on the stain using a cotton swab. For lipstick stains, you may spritz some hair spray on the area and wipe it with a damp cloth afterward. For nail polish, apply nail polish remover on the stain and rinse with cold water after.What About the Stains You Can’t See?
Certain stains can also affect the performance of some of your household items that you may not be aware of. These could include your mattress, kitchen appliances, air conditioner unit, and even your washing machine!
A thorough cleaning may be required in cases like these, but you may want to rely on a specialised cleaning service to get the job done.
Choose WonderKlean Today!
Our professional cleaning services conducted by the CUCKOO+ Service Team will ensure your home is left clean and sparkling. We offer mattress cleaning services, washing machine cleaning services, air conditioner cleaning services, kitchen range hood cleaning, and more.
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