In just 30 minutes, you can have your room clean and organised! It’s not impossible — just follow these simple steps and you’ll be able to enjoy the advantages of room cleaning in under an hour.

"Wait, why should I clean my room in the first place?"

Glad you asked! Cleaning your room regularly brings many benefits such as:

Better organisation
Having an organised space can improve your focus and concentration, as well as help you find your belongings more easily. This way, you will remember where you kept that shirt that you like to wear for special occasions, or that photo-book that’s full of your precious memories.

You would save a lot of time since now you don’t have to turn a messy room upside down just to look for a matching pair of socks!

Better mental health
A room that is cluttered and messy can be a breeding ground for negative thoughts. This is because the chaos in your surroundings mirrors the chaos in your mind.

On the other hand, a neat room can give you a sense of peace and calm — this will consequently help to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Better physical health
A clean room also has health benefits. Dust mites, which are tiny creatures that thrive in dirty environments, are known to trigger allergies and asthma attacks.

So if you or anyone in your family suffers from these conditions, it is especially important to keep your room clean and dust-free. A clean mattress is often key to keeping these creatures out

And don’t forget, with Covid still lurking around, a clean home has become even MORE important for your physical health!

Better self-worth
A clean room can also boost your confidence and self-esteem. When you see the results of your hard work, it feels good and you will be more likely to be productive throughout the day.

You’ll be proud of yourself for taking care of your space and it’ll show in other areas of your life as well.

"Wait, why should I clean my room in the first place?"

Glad you asked! Cleaning your room regularly brings many benefits such as:

Better organisation
Having an organised space can improve your focus and concentration, as well as help you find your belongings more easily. This way, you will remember where you kept that shirt that you like to wear for special occasions, or that photo-book that’s full of your precious memories.

You would save a lot of time since now you don’t have to turn a messy room upside down just to look for a matching pair of socks!

Better mental health
A room that is cluttered and messy can be a breeding ground for negative thoughts. This is because the chaos in your surroundings mirrors the chaos in your mind.

On the other hand, a neat room can give you a sense of peace and calm — this will consequently help to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Better physical health
A clean room also has health benefits. Dust mites, which are tiny creatures that thrive in dirty environments, are known to trigger allergies and asthma attacks.

So if you or anyone in your family suffers from these conditions, it is especially important to keep your room clean and dust-free. A clean mattress is often key to keeping these creatures out

And don’t forget, with Covid still lurking around, a clean home has become even MORE important for your physical health!

Better self-worth
A clean room can also boost your confidence and self-esteem. When you see the results of your hard work, it feels good and you will be more likely to be productive throughout the day.

You’ll be proud of yourself for taking care of your space and it’ll show in other areas of your life as well.

Ready to start?
Clean your room with these 4 Simple Steps:

Step One: Declutter

10 minutes
The first step is to declutter your room. This means getting rid of any unnecessary items that are taking up space. Start by removing everything from your room and sorting all your things into piles: Keep, Donate, or Trash.

Once you have determined what you want to keep, donate, or throw out, it’s time to put everything back in its place. This may be a challenging task but it is necessary to keep your room clean.

Step Two: Vacuum and Dust

10 minutes
The next step is to vacuum and dust your room. Make sure to focus on high-traffic areas such as the floor, furniture, and windowsills. If you have any pets, be sure to vacuum and dust your room regularly to avoid pet hair build-up.

Step Three: Clean the Windows

5 minutes
Windows are often overlooked when cleaning a room, but they are an important part of keeping it clean. Not only do they let in natural light, but they also help keep out dirt and dust. Using a glass cleaner and a soft cloth, wipe the windows from top to bottom.

Step Four: Wipe Down Furniture

5 minutes
The final step is to wipe down all of your furniture. Use a damp cloth to remove any dirt or dust build-up. Polish wooden furniture with a wood polish if necessary. Once you’re done, your room will be clean and clutter-free!

And that’s it! Clean your room once a week using these steps and reap the benefits of keeping your home neat and tidy today!

But what about the other parts of your house that need cleaning? Like your air conditioner, mattress or even kitchen appliances? That’s where we come in!

WonderKlean is a professional cleaning service provider that provides a full suite of home cleaning services including home disinfection service, washing machine cleaning service and kitchen range hood cleaning service for all households in Malaysia.

Click Here to find out how we can provide for you.